The iconic show Only Murders in the Building (OMITB) debuted on August 31, 2021, immersing us in the unique lives of Charles Hayden-Savage (Steve Martin), Oliver Putnam (Martin Short), and Mabel Mora (Selena Gomez). The show sets us in modern-day New York City’s Upper West Side, in the Arconia. The Arconia is a fictitious apartment building, holding secrets of multiple murders, mysteriously linked to the antagonists. The enticing story is portrayed to the audience through a blend of murder mystery and comedy over three seasons.
Being the main suspects in the murders, the trio launches the podcast “Only Murders in the Building,” recording their relentless pursuit of trying to solve the murders to prove their innocence. Season one focuses on the murder of Tim Kono, killed by Jan Bellows, Charles’s girlfriend. The second season, however, takes an unexpected turn, showcasing the murder of Bunny Folger, fatally stabbed with a knitting needle by Poppy White, an envious assistant. As the third season picks us up from the season two finale, we are shown the debut of Putnam’s play, marred by the death of the infamous actor, Ben Glenroy, (Paul Rudd) known for his egotistical tendencies.
We are convinced of Glenroy’s death when he collapses on stage during his opening number. However, the story takes a dramatic twist in the first episode when he bursts through the doors of the gloomy cast’s afterparty, expressing remorse for his poor treatment towards his castmates. Loretta Durkin (Meryl Streep) is unfazed by his flashy apology, claiming that he remains unchanged, despite his near-death experience. Thus, she is inferentially the audience’s main suspect as the story unfolds through the episodes. Meanwhile, as the trio make their way to their rooms, aghast by their night, Ben’s corpse plummets through the elevator roof as they exit, casting them, once again, as the main suspects.
The characters add their unique flavors to the already thrilling plot. Oliver Putnam, a struggling playwright, never fails to get the audience laughing with his constant confidence and sarcastic insults. Charles Hayden-Savage’s quirky personality defines his age as he continuously refers to his past role in ‘Brazzos.’ Mabel Mora remains a mystery to even her closest friends, due to her reserved and avoidant personality.
Though it has a seemingly dark plot, OMITB is unique with a comedic tone, which is emphasized by the cast of familiar faces. The writers seamlessly tie together murder mystery with humor, delivering a refreshing experience for the viewers.
Although my affection for the show will always remain the same, I admit the finale of the third season was a bit of a letdown. The identity of the killer was genuinely unexpected, but some final scenes in the last episode felt unnecessary and hard to watch. Nevertheless, I cannot recommend OMITB any more than I already have. The ever-unfolding plot, twists, and intricate puzzle pieces always defied my expectations. However, the question remains: Who killed Ben Glenroy, and what other deep and dark secrets lie within the walls of the Arconia?